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Social Services


The numerous problems that arise after a person accepts Islam has to be dealt with utmost care. Amongst them are those who are abandoned or ill-treated and a few locked up in their homes facing trauma from their own family. We extend a helping hand to make them economically and emotionally stable. In Case of a prospective bride or a groom the needful is done with the guidance of the senior team members.


We, at JAH extend support like legal formalities, documentations related to change of name and change of religion, affidavits and the formalities to be fulfilled at the gazette. They are sent to learn Islam in reputed organisations , including Madeena University. They need complete rehabilitation, hence a lions share of the contribution from zakah is spent towards the betterment of their lives.


  1. RAMADHAN Provisional Kits Every Ramadhan JAH provides provision kits to serve Suhoor and Iftaar meals for more than a 1000 families. These kits are packed by JAH and also are provided by other similar people doing similar projects. Quintessentially, every beneficiary undergoes individual counseling and is equipped with the basic principles of Islam before receiving the kits.

Iftar Arrangements During Ramadhan, an Iftar is hosted for the Non-Muslims, once or twice depending on the availability of resources. They are enlightened with the message of Islam and the benefits of fasting. Eid for Reverts The people who accept Islam are always in our priorities. A feast is arranged for those people on the day of Eid and all other arrangements are done to ensure that they celebrate the Eid without missing any of its blessings.

  1. EID-UL-FITR Eid KitsThere are lot of families who are bereft of a proper meal on Eid. Hence, a kit containing quality Rice and meat along with other necessary provisions is gifted to the poor on a day ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr. Every year more than a 1000 families benefit through this and number keeps augmenting every year. Food PacksDelicious Biryani with sweets is distributed to many deserving people on the day of Eid. 
  2. EAT THE MEAT During Eid-ul-Adha, We at JAH offer sacrifices (Qurbani) on behalf of others and distribute the meat to the poor families. This makes us remember, nurture and care for people who deserve support and care. Every year we serve nearly 500 families through this project.

BLANKETS DISTRIBUTION to those on footpaths during winter is also one of our highlights during the winter season.